Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break 2011 Recap

So...Sara created us a list last weekend of all we needed to do on Spring break. The list went as so...

-go the zoo (check)

-eat LOTS of Ice Cream (check-3 days)

-go to a park with slides and swings (check)
-go downtown to see the buildings (check)

-go the park and feed the ducks (check)

-eat yummy chesse pizza (check)

-play outside all day (check-many times)
-go swimming (check)

And that sums up our Spring Break. Lots of sun, fun, and mommy, Sara, Kate time. So, as I remembered the "list" she'd created us...we made sure by yesterday all of those were done. It was a busy Spring break. But Oh So Fun! Makes me excited for summer to get here so I have both my girls to play with every day. I know Kate LOVED having Sara around this week. It'll be strange next week when she's back to school.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring Break...YAY!!!

Well....I don't have a ton to say, but I'll bullet point the last few weeks:

-I was sick as can be the past two weeks. No energy at all...just recently starting to feel like "me" again, and only some days
-we've lived in our new house almost a year and I finally hung curtains....I LOVE them
-Sara will be 6 years old this month (OMG), birthday party planning has begun
-Kate is the most opinionated and strong willed 15 month old I've ever seen in my life. I bought "Parenting the Difficult Child" and will be pouring over that soon, very soon!
-Kate started calling my best friend, Lory, "Mimi" it is too cute :)
-Sara has spring break this week....we have no plans and I'm LOVING it :)
-My girls are the light of my life-couldn't ask for more.
-I am loving keeping a gratitude journal (more on that later) inspired by Ann Voskamp's "One Thousand Gifts"

Okay, so there's no rhyme or reason to my randomness, but that's my life. I love it.